Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Math Worksheets
Addition Worksheets

Addition with Regrouping
Worksheets, Lessons, and Printables

Introduction to 2-Digit Addition with Regrouping
     Regroup a number (with blocks)
     Regroup a number
     Calculate a sum. Do you need to regroup?
     Adding a 2-digit number to a 1-digit number
     Adding 2-digit and 1-digit numbers
     2-digit addition
     Problem solving (with addition equation)
     Introduction to 2-digit Addition with Regrouping Mixed Review

2-Digit Addition with Regrouping
     Adding 2-digits to 1-digit (all are regrouping)
     Adding 2-digits to 1-digit (most are regrouping)
     2-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     2-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Rewrite the addends and then add
     2-digit addition (has tens/ones but no carry box)
     Fill in the missing digit
     2-digit addition of cents (with carry box)
     2-digit addition of cents (no carry box)
     2-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     2-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Addition of three 2-digit numbers
     Problem solving
     2-digit Addition with Regrouping Mixed Review

3-Digit Addition
With hundreds/tens/ones column headers
     3-digit and 2-digit addition with (all are regrouping)
     3-digit and 2-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     3-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     3-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Rewrite the addends and then add
     3-digit addition (no carry boxes)
     Fill in the missing digit
No hundreds/tens/ones column headers
     Add money
     3-digit addition (all are regrouping)
     3-digit addition (most are regrouping)
     Add three numbers (one 3-digit, two 2-digit numbers)
     Add three 3-Ddigit numbers
     3-Digit Addition Mixed Review


Addition Worksheets

1st Grade Addition

2 Digit Addition

2nd Grade Addition

3 Digit Addition

3rd Grade Addition

4 Digit Addition

4th Grade Addition

5th Grade Addition

6th Grade Addition

Addition Bulletin Board

Addition Math

Addition Math Learning Centers

Addition Word Problems

Introduction to Addition

Kindergarten Addition

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