Plants Worksheets
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Date ___________________

Grocery Shopping

EdHelper Foods - Prices

Apples (Golden Delicious) - 52 each Peaches (Organic ) - 89 each Corn (White) - 49 ear
Apples (Royal Gala) - 40 each Pears (Brown Asian) - $1.67 each Lettuce (Red Leaf) - $1.32 lb.
Apricots - 57 each Pears (Bosc) - 85 each Lettuce (Romaine) - $1.26 lb.
Tropical Salad - $4.74 lb. Plums (Red) - 49 each Onions (Organic Green) - $2.34 lb.
Grapes (Black Seedless) - $1.61 lb. Raspberries (Red) - $3.71 (16 oz. pkg) Onions (White) - 95 lb.
Grapes (Green Seedless) - $1.57 lb. Strawberries - $4.30 (16 oz. pkg) Potatoes (Red Baby Gourmet) - $2.48 lb.
Lemons - 83 each Strawberries (Organic ) - $5.06 (16 oz. pkg) Radishes (Red) - $1.57 lb.
Limes - 56 each Asparagus - $4.81 bunch Spinach (Organic ) - $2.81 lb.
Watermelons (Seedless) - $8.35 each Bok Choy (Baby) - 84 bunch Squashes (Organic Yellow) - 76 each
Oranges - 80 each Carrots (Organic ) - $1.14 lb. Tomatoes (Organic ) - $2.23 each
Oranges (Organic ) - $1.02 each Corn (Yellow) - 22 ear Turnips - $2.57 lb.
Papayas - $3.23 each
1.  Brittany would like to buy the following at EdHelper Foods:
1 papaya
5 limes
Two pounds of tropical salad

Brittany had $47 in her wallet before paying EdHelper Foods. How much money does Brittany have left?
2.  Tyler would like to buy the following at EdHelper Foods:
7 oranges
Two pounds of tropical salad
Three pounds of onions (White)

Tyler had $86 in his wallet before paying EdHelper Foods. How much money does Tyler have left?
3.  Lauren would like to buy the following at EdHelper Foods:
5 pears (Bosc)
Three pounds of onions (White)
1 apple (Golden Delicious)
4 tomatoes (Organic )
Two pounds of grapes (Black Seedless)
2 oranges (Organic )

Lauren paid for her food with a check. Lauren had $1,789 in her checking account before paying EdHelper Foods. What is her current checking account balance?
4.  Brandon would like to buy the following at EdHelper Foods:
Two pounds of lettuce (Red Leaf)
6 peaches (Organic )
Two pounds of spinach (Organic )
8 pears (Bosc)
Two pounds of turnips
3 apricots

Brandon used cash in his wallet to pay for the food. After leaving EdHelper Foods, Brandon had $54.75. How much money did Brandon have before buying groceries?