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Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Matthew's Science Series
Are You a Scientist?

Matthew's Science Series
Matthew's Science Series

Are You a Scientist?
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Reading Level
     edHelper's suggested reading level:   grades 2 to 3
     Flesch-Kincaid grade level:   2.09

     challenging words:    graph, hypothesis, theory, scientist, class, observation, morning, tests, faster, equipment, good, form, sunlight, change, idea, another

Are You a Scientist?
By Jane Runyon

1     "Good morning, class," said Mrs. Kim.
2     "Good morning, Mrs. Kim," the class said together.
3     "Would all the scientists in this class please raise their hands?" Mrs. Kim continued.
4     The boys and girls looked at each other. No one held up a hand. Finally, Jessie waved his fingers.
5     "I'm not a scientist, Mrs. Kim. I'm just a kid," he said.
6     "Are you sure you aren't a scientist?" the teacher asked. "Let's take a test to find out."
7     "Oh, no," groaned the class, "not a test."
8     "I am going to guess that we have a lot of scientists in this class," laughed Mrs. Kim. "Let's find out."
9     "I think you are wrong," said Sarah. "We don't have the equipment or labs a scientist uses."
10     "Do any of you have questions about nature?" continued Mrs. Kim. "Matt, how about you?"
11     "What makes one of the plants on the window ledge grow faster than the others?" Matt asked.
12     "Very good," said Mrs. Kim. "Does anyone have an idea that might answer this question?"
13     "I think one plant is growing faster because Tim waters it and forgets the other one," decided Joey.
14     "Do you all agree with this answer?" asked Mrs. Kim.

Paragraphs 15 to 35:
For the complete story with questions: click here for printable

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