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A verb tells what people or things do.
More generally, a verb tells the action a noun or pronoun does.

The report says improving patient safety will also require a change in culture at hospitals.   says,improving,will,require
The governor gave him a pardon at the last minute.   gave


In each sentence one verb is missing. Write a verb to complete the sentence.
1.  The owners of the bicycle shop  (your verb)  very amiable and helpful with advice.

2.  Jane  (your verb)  to forecast the results of her final exam.

3.  Music written in a minor key usually  (your verb)  sad or moody.

4.  I am not  (your verb)  to stay out after midnight.

5.  Dad  (your verb)  to go to his office early this morning.

6.  Sally was reluctant to leave her post unless another physician  (your verb)  her.

7.  It is time to  (your verb)  our meeting for the day.

8.  We  (your verb)  the game as a result of our great teamwork.

9.  We  (your verb)  the path to the oak tree.

10.  My mother is very crafty and we never  (your verb)  when our birthday parties will be.

11.  Eugene  (your verb)  a drum from a big metal can.

12.  Sierra  (your verb)  to do her own thing and never to follow the herd.

13.  The loaf of bread began to  (your verb) .

14.  It is nice to  (your verb)  a picnic under a grove of trees.

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