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The Verb "To be"
Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.

1.  At the refugee camp most residents have few savings and many (is, are, am) destitute.
2.  After eating, we (was, were) very content and fell asleep.
3.  Rubber-coated bullets (is, are, am) intended to inflict superficial painful injuries to deter rioters.
4.  Limitations on campaign contributions by individuals and corporations (was, were) established by the 1971 Federal Election Campaign Act.
5.  An e-mail hoax posing as a virus advisory (is, are, am) surfing across the Internet.
6.  In some countries all media (is, are) state owned and censors dictate coverage of politics.
7.  Please cease talking while I (is, are, am) trying to discuss our assignment.
8.  The Three Musketeers (was, were) a very adventurous trio.
9.  Rachel must be sensitive to the fact that Amber (is, are, am) not as talented in art as she.
10.  There (is, are) no need to pretend that you are telling the truth when we all know that you are not.
11.  When a skunk (is, are, am) frightened, it will emit a spray with a disgusting scent.
12.  The Arctic Desert ecoregion (is, are, am) home to several hardy species of birds and mammals.
13.  The strait (was, were) too narrow for the ocean liner to pass through it.
14.  I (is, are, am) very fortunate to have such wonderful children.
15.  The roses (is, are, am) in blossom this month.
16.  I like studying with Liz instead of Beth because she (is, are) a lot more fun.
17.  Free childcare (is, are) one of the fringe benefits at my dad's job.
18.  The depth of the lake (was, were) 58 feet.
19.  Several meetings (was, were) held to try to heal the growing rift between the two gangs.
20.  Brandon (is, are, am) a fanatic about animals and is always playing with someone's pet.

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