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1.   The lava output from the volcano in crater park has quadrupled over the past 30 days. If the lava output 30 days ago was 5 tons of rock per week, what is the output now?

2.   A core sample from the town square was drilled and collected by Z-Globe. Analysis revealed alternating layers of clay and volcanic shale. Each layer of shale was only about 1/3 as thick as a layer of clay. If the total sample was 84 feet in thickness, what was the approximate clay to shale thickness ratio?

3.   Soils around the world vary in their organic matter content. Organic matter comes from living things or things that used to be alive. For example, in comparing a soil from Nebraska to one from Arizona, it would not be unusual for the Nebraska soil to have a greater amount of organic matter by a factor of 5 to 1. If you had two such samples and the sample from Arizona contained 5 g of organic matter, how many grams of organic matter would there be in Nebraska soil of equal mass? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth.

4.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
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5.   In a specimen of granite from the nearby mountain the ratio of feldspar to quartz is 3 to 2 by mass. If the mountain consists of 7 x 108 tons of granite, how much of it is feldspar. For this calculation you may assume that other minerals in the granite do not contribute significantly to its mass. Express your answer in scientific notation.

6.   Based on what has been found so far, the ratio of fossil floopasaurs to fossil bloopia in Africa is 3 to 1. If this ratio is later discovered to have an error of 40% (too high) for floopasaurs, what would the corrected ratio be?


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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Math Worksheets